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  • Writer's pictureNicole Domitro

Advent Series: Day 1 - HOPE

When we think of the word hope, we tend to think of it as a wish or want. We *hope* the Bears will win a game one day. We *hope* we get that promotion. We *hope* the baby sleeps through the night. We *hope* we reach that goal.

But the Bible tells us of a different hope. And that hope is what has Anchored me in my relationship with Christ this last decade, and it’s also the subject of a new advent series I have challenged myself to complete.

Each day I will use some of my Moody Bible Institute background and life experiences to bring you some insight into the most wonderful time of the year and leave you with a scripture containing a printable to save and remind you of all we are celebrating this season.

Today at church we lit the first advent candle that symbolizes hope - and as the candle wick was ignited, so was the anticipation to assemble this new project. Keeping with the candles, each week will have a theme, and each day will dive deeper into the meaning.

To start off, I wanted to share this video that my pastor and friend shared with us this morning. This gives an easy, educational, and fun word study on Biblical hope.

I love this word study for a lot of reasons;

  1. It's fast - because even taking the time to read this is precious time you could be spending on something else.

  2. It’s efficient - this gives you background, context, and visuals all under 5 minutes.

  3. It’s biblical - these aren’t opinions or thoughts but actual facts. I’ve had to do many a word study just like this at Moody! You’re getting a great mini education right here!

But more than all that, I love that it is the perfect introduction for this series. Watch the video and then tell me in the comments if you knew about this hope? How is it different from how we worldly seek hope? And what are you hoping for this season!?

Daily Scripture:

Save to your phone or computer.

love in Christ,


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